School Policies & Procedures
School Policies & Procedures
If your child is going to be absent, please notify the School at 718 388-9494. In order for an absence to be considered excused, a written note must accompany the student the first day back in class. The note should include the date returning, child’s name, date absent, and the reason for the absence. Any absence for which the School does not receive appropriate notification will be unexcused. Excessive or unexcused absences from School are detrimental to the educational process.
Late Arrivals/Tardiness
School Hours are:
8:00-2:50 Monday-Thursday
8:00-1:35 Friday
Students arriving late (after 8:00 AM) to School must report to the main office with their parent/guardian to receive a late pass before going to class.
Bus Procedures
Breakfast: 8:00-8:30 am.
All students are to proceed directly to the cafeteria from their point of entry onto School grounds.
Students should not arrive before 7:45 am.
A staff member will meet students’ bus in front of the School and will be escorted into the cafeteria.
Bus Safety Procedures: Unsafe or unruly bus conduct will be reported to parents via letter or phone call.
Bus safety drills are conducted throughout the School year with students to review appropriate behaviors on the bus.
Change of Address/Phone Numbers
Parents are required to supply a completed up to date emergency information “Blue Cards” which are maintained on file in School. If your home contact information changes, notify the School immediately. In the case of an address change, you must come into School and present proof of the new address. Field Trips Filed trips are designated for each grade level. Permission slips and information will be sent home prior to the trip. The permission slip should be returned to your child’s classroom teacher as soon as possible. No student will be permitted to go on a field trip with a signed permission slip. Verbal, text or email consent will not be accepted. The only form of acceptable permission is the DOE permission slip.
School Hours
Our School hours are:
8:00 am- 2:50 pm Monday-Thursday
8:00am-1:35pm on Fridays.
Parent must submit a signed letter requesting that their child can take public transportation or walk home.
For the safety and protection of the students and staff, all persons entering the building must sign in at the security desk and receive an identification badge. This badge is to be displayed while in the School. This include parents, volunteers, and other district employees.
Medical Alerts/Allergies
If your child has a medical alert and/or allergies, please inform counselors and see School nurse at the time off registration.