School Mission & Vision Statement
School Overview
Mission Statement
The Mission of P368K is to provide challenging educational experiences, with equity of opportunity and access, to enable all students, commensurate with their abilities, to become participants and contributing members of a multicultural society. We are committed to supporting the development and implementation of comprehensive programs that enable students to improve their performance and maximize their potential in environments within our Schools and the larger community.
Vision Statement
We believe that all students have the ability to learn and to apply new knowledge toward the betterment of their futures. We believe that all students have value and unique gifts to offer their School, peers and community. We are dedicated to providing all students with a positive and supportive learning environment in which they can acquire the skills and attitudes that foster an enjoyment of learning; respect for themselves and others; and the physical, emotional, and social competencies necessary to become responsible and productive citizens of the twenty-first century.
The commitment of the P368K community is exemplified by its instructional leaders,
a dedicated staff, the involvement of parents, and the vital linkages with hospital/agency personnel. We are dedicated to School improvement efforts and to establishing lifelong learning for self and others. We continue to strive to nurture, support, facilitate, and sustain a standards-based culture. Our ultimate goal is to build a continuum of learning that makes sense for all students- one that builds upon itself through all classrooms, over the years, to create the cumulative effect of improved student achievement.